Loving through boundaries
People who get upset when you set boundaries are generally thoese who benefit from you having none or don’t practice boundaries for themselves and therefore get triggered by yours!
This might mean people might react negatively to your boundaries but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have them. Particularly if they were agreed upon in the first place.
When you refuse to set boundaries you prioritise other comfort over your needs.
It’s a great way to break people pleasing habits. As Brene Brown states ‘daring to set boundaries is about having courage To love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.’
Honesty even though sometimes difficult is not unkind, It’s actually most truthful and authentic way to interact with others. You cannot manage your boundaries and other peoples feeling at the same time. Your boundaries might make others frustrated or resentful but it’s not yours to bear. Having said that using boundaries as a way of manipulating others or from a wounded place isn’t actually placing boundaries but actually placing conditional walls.
Boundaries are permeable like our skin, allowing us to stay connected to ourselves as seperate entity and yet connected the whole or other. Boundaries allow a certain level of give and receive, permeability, reciprocity…
Boundaries allows me to look after myself and also love you simultaneously. They can become a portals or bridges to connection to ourselves and each other. They clearly express my needs, my edges and my values… so Boundaries, like consent, are sexy ways that I can respect, honour and deepen into myself and you in this moment.